Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Status 30/12

Hi Everyone,

Finally, almost everyone is gathered at Hostel Itaka in Mendoza. And guess what, almost everyone is missing their luggage! We have been trying to locate it since yesterday, but no luck so far.
We have been promised that it will be delivered to us though, once it's located.If we get it today, we will continue to Penitetes on Thursday, as planned. Keeping our fingers crossed. Meanwhile, we are sorting out the gear that needs to be rented (for those who need it), and preparing to buy the fresh food we need. The weather right now is pretty nice, around 20 degrees and cloudy.

I'll update the blog again before we head to Penitetes!


  1. Typisk. Lykke til. Kos dere på Itaca, svømmebassenget er deilig i varmen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Savner Itaka, liker meg godt der :)
